Set your people up for success by running them through a proper employee induction training program. This will ensure that should they slip while gaining their footing in a new environment, someone is there to help pick them back up and get them back on track. Whether you’re after staff induction for new employees or you want to help a manager transition into an elevated role - this isn’t something you want to go into blind.

What Is Meant By Induction Training?

You can think of induction training as employee training that goes above and beyond to help your workforce feel comfortable and confident. These induction training programs are incredibly important, and we’ll cover exactly why that is in a moment.

First, we want to clarify that induction training is not just “new hire training”. Any person in your workforce can be put through an induction program if they are gaining new responsibilities or being put into a new role. With that being said, each and every employee you bring on will require new staff induction. The best programs help get them up to speed not just on their position and tasks - but on company culture, as well. Let’s cover what a typical staff induction includes.

What Should A Staff Induction Include?

Keep in mind that this is going to vary greatly from industry to industry. For example, organisations that put their employees in more dangerous working scenarios will spend a lot more time on safety and hazard training, than a call center or retail brand. Furthermore, different size companies will have different degrees of induction. A large company will likely have a more involved process than one with just 1-2 employees.

With that said, there are a few categories every staff induction should touch on. We already mentioned company culture is one of these, but the induction actually begins before your new employee even starts their first day on the job. Any good induction should have at least these elements:

  • Organisational Procedures: This will touch on building orientation, health/safety, systems, and other procedures.
  • Company Strategy & Services: This will discuss the values of your company, which is super important. You’ll also cover the products and services you offer.
  • Job Specific Information: Here, you’ll want to go over department information - and discuss what exactly the job requires, what objectives the new hire will have, etc.

Why Are New Staff Induction Programs So Important?

Managers who are being stretched into a new role, or are new to the company, often face stressors that are unique to being on a learning curve. While being on a learning curve can be very energising, it can also be very daunting, which sometimes results in the person losing confidence.

When this happens, there is often an inevitable tailspin that may result in failure. You know how much it costs to hire new employees, so focus on keeping turnover low by properly inducting your people into their new roles - whether it’s their first day with the company or their 20th year!

Why Choose Sigmoid’s Employee Induction Training?

In the absence of a proper induction, over half of senior executives who are new to the company derail. This is why it’s important to be proactive when it comes to providing the necessary support for your managers who are new to the company, or being stretched into bigger or broader roles. By choosing Sigmoid for your employee induction training, you can rest assured your people are in the best hands possible - we have been at this for decades.

How Long Is An Induction Program By Sigmoid?

The duration of an induction program varies greatly depending on what the employee is being trained for - and who is training them. You’ll find that the vast majority of induction programs are less than 90 days long. At Sigmoid, our induction & transition coaching extends beyond the typical 90-day program, tracking the manager’s progress across an extended six-month period to ensure that traction and momentum are sustained well into their first year in the role.

What Other HR Services Are Available At Sigmoid?

We’re here to help you get the most out of your employees - whether you’re looking for an executive coach, leadership training, hiring a speaker, or even a talent assessment! Your employees are your most valuable assets - so invest in them - and thus, your company, today!

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