May 26, 2020 1 min read

Empathy is a word that is being used a lot over the past few months. Given its relevance in how we all make our way through the pandemic, I thought it might be helpful to unpack the meaning behind the word. We last talked about empathy at the top of the year, making a distinction between sympathy and empathy – using the Christchurch shootings as the backdrop. Now in the face of a global pandemic, the word empathy is being used a lot. It is no longer abstract for people; it has become very real. Given its relevance in how we make our way together through the pandemic, I thought it might be helpful to unpack the meaning behind the word. There are three elements of empathy: (1) Cognitive, (2) Emotional, (3) Compassionate. I would like to quickly walk the audience through the three elements and what each might look like in the current context.
Harold Hillman
Harold Hillman

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